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CGSC Foundation - The Art of War Initiativeis now celebrating the art and gift collection of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Leavenworth

Command and General Staff College Foundation

The Command and General Staff College Foundation


he CGSC Foundation is a 501 (C)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit educational foundation established in December 2005 to assist the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College by providing resources in support of their mission of educating military officers.

The CGSC Foundation supports the College in three general areas: Scholarship, Outreach, and Soldier & Family Support. The mission of the CGSC Foundation is to:

• Enrich the College’s academic environment
• Foster a strong relationship between the military and the private sector
• Enhance the institution’s research activities
• Promote leader development
• Encourage excellence in the faculty and student body
• Maintain contact with alumni

The CGSC Foundation has an active board of trustees made up of business executives, community leaders, retired military leaders and others committed to the Foundation and College mission.

Please note that the CGSC Foundation is a 501 (C)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit educational foundation. Your contributions to the Foundation and its programs such as the Art of War Initiative will, in most instances, be tax-exempt.

Promoting the Development of Military Leaders of Character and Competence for Service to the Nation

CGSC Foundation Programs – A Snapshot

Scholarship – enhancing the academic experience:

• Col. Arthur D. Simons Center for Interagency Cooperation
• Annual Fort Leavenworth Ethics Symposium
• Gen. Hugh Shelton Distinguished Visiting Professor of Ethics
• Colin L. Powell Lecture Series
• Distinguished Visiting Professor of Diplomacy, a partnership with DACOR
• Sponsorship of awards for faculty and student excellence
• General of the Armies John J. Pershing Great War Centennial Lecture Series
• Vietnam War Commemoration Lecture Series

Outreach – connecting Americans with the College and their military:

• National Security Roundtable series
• Distinguished Leadership Award
• International Officer Gala – an annual event to celebrate and
welcome each new class of international officers
Foundation News magazine
• Alumni Outreach website
• CGSC tours
• The Art of War Initiative

Soldier & Family Support – enriching the lives of our military families:

• Support for the Comprehensive Soldier & Family Fitness Program and
the Master Resiliency Training Course
• Support for youth reading programs
• Conduct “7 Habits of Successful Military Families” workshops
• Conduct annual “Women’s Conference”


Visit the CGSC Foundation website for more information.


The Art of War Initiative

CGSC Foundation, Inc.

The Lewis and Clark Center
100 Stimson Avenue, Suite 1149
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027

Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Phone: 913.651.0624
Fax: 913.651.4519

Email: office@cgscf.org

The CGSC Foundation is a 501 (C)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit educational foundation.
Your contributions to the Foundation and its programs such as the Art of War Initiative will, in most instances, be tax-exempt.

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