Levels of Support
Please note that the CGSC Foundation is a 501 (C)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit educational foundation. Your contributions to the Foundation and its programs such as the Art of War Initiative will, in most instances, be tax-exempt.
Up to $250
Name listed in Commemorative Coffee Table Book
$250 – $1000
Art of War Challenge Coin
$1000 – $5000
• Autographed Coffee Table Book
• Name on Dedication Page in Coffee Table Book
$5000 – $25,000
• Framed and Numbered Art of War Challenge Coin
• Name Recognition at CGSC
Above $25,000
• Special Recognition at Events
• Name Recognition at CGSC Exhibits
All levels include the preceding benefits.
Thank you for your support in helping the Art of War Initiative become a reality.
The Art of War Initiative
The Art of War Initiative put forth by the CGSC Foundation, Inc., will preserve, promote, and protect the life and longevity of the over 3,800 items in the art and gift collection of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, as well as provide capital for the mission and goals of the Foundation in order to elevate the collection to the status of national treasure that it should be.
Note: The CGSC Foundation is a 501 (C)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit educational foundation. Contributions to the Foundation and its programs such as the Art of War Initiative will, in most instances, be tax-exempt.
The vision of the Art of War Initiative is to preserve, educate, celebrate and engage. Specifically, we will preserve by fully cataloguing the collection; educate with published and video projects; celebrate and engage by using objects from the collection in exhibits both within the college and the community; plan for the future with an endowment; and finally protect the collection by designing and reimagining the collection storage and display for the foreseeable future.
CGSC Foundation, Inc.
The Lewis and Clark Center
100 Stimson Avenue, Suite 1149
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027
Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Phone: 913.651.0624
Fax: 913.651.4519
Email: office@cgscf.org
The CGSC Foundation is a 501 (C)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit educational foundation.
Your contributions to the Foundation and its programs such as the Art of War Initiative will, in most instances, be tax-exempt.
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